A Chat With Elizabeth Moore & Ashley Brooke James, Founders of TRILUNA Wellness
There's a thriving music scene in Nashville that everyone (even outsiders) knows about. But there's also a growing wellness community that deserves recognition. Elizabeth Moore and Ashley Brooke James are two Nashville ladies taking the wellness scene by storm with their company TRILUNA Wellness.
There are three core services offered by TRILUNA - movement, cooking classes and health coaching. Both Elizabeth and Ashley have always had an interest in yoga and healing practices, so the two came together to combine those passions with their years of business & marketing skills. The goal of TRILUNA is to create comprehensive workshops that are both fun and trans-formative. TRILUNA stands by the belief that "health should be accessible, sustainable and tinged with just a bit of magic." I recently sat down with Elizabeth & Ashley to learn more about their business and how it serves people in the Nashville area. .
BH: So tell me, how did the concept of TRILUNA start? TW: TRILUNA was born for two reasons: 1) To help healers earn a living so they can in turn help more people. 2) To bring a balanced, realistic perspective to the health and wellness community and teach our clients how to make wellness enjoyable. BH: How is TRILUNA different than other health coaching/wellness programs? TW: We believe that wellness should support your life, not ruin it. So you won’t find diets, advice on macros, or calorie counting in any of our programs. What you will find is a balanced, realistic approach to health that focuses on the quality of one’s life rather than the size of their waist. BH: Since TRILUNA focuses on three core tenets, what are three of your best wellness tips?
TW: Wellness is about more than just foods you eat. There are other foods that can affect your overall well-being. 1) Focus on “primary foods,” things like social life, career, relationships, fulfillment. All the kale in the world won’t make you healthy if you have an insane amount of stress and negativity in your life. 2) Eat real food, fresh from the earth, as often as you can. 3) Eat with people you love around a table (don’t bring your phone to the dinner table). BH: Can people who have never done yoga before take one of your classes?
TW: Of course! That’s our specialty! First timers are often our favorite. We truly believe yoga can change your life. It has changed ours. It’s so much more than breathing and stretching and chaturangas. It’s the beginning of a deep and beautiful relationship with yourself and we could not be more excited to introduce you to it. Our classes are for all levels. If you’re a yoga pro you know how to turn it up. If you’re new to yoga, we will walk you through it every step of the way. BH: TRILUNA also offers retreats and community events. Tell me about those and what people can expect.
TW: We offer at least two community events and one free class a month! The community events are the perfect combination of fun and wellness. Whether it’s yoga and mimosas or an autumn equinox workshop, these events are designed to build community and increase your network of friends interested in supporting you on your wellness journey. Our first retreat is this coming April (2019) and it will be a combination of all that we are best at: yoga, meditation, workshops, cooking classes and community building- all while glamping in the cutest canvas tents in the most beautiful setting. We could not be more excited about it! BH: What are your goals for TRILUNA in the next year? Are there plans for expansion? TW: Our goal is to expand, create more opportunities for income for our amazing team of healers, and to spread our message of enjoyable, realistic wellness as far and wide as we can! |
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