Behind the Scenes With Hether Crawford Coaching
Don't let her purple hair fool you- Hether Crawford actually lives a fairly green life. She is a Nashville health coach and the owner of Hether Crawford Coaching. Through her business, she helps people find easy ways to live healthier, more fulfilling lives. After noticing the way certain foods were affecting her and her family's health years ago, Hether took it upon herself to learn more about the relationship between healthy eating habits and overall wellness. Since making changes to their diets, Hether and her family have seen incredible improvements to their physical, mental and emotional health. She truly believes that "you are what you eat," so you should eat foods that are good for you.
And while she does offer health coaching that gives her clients a roadmap for healthy living, she's also a big proponent of self-love. Through her coaching programs, she motivates clients by practicing daily affirmations, stress management and body acceptance exercises. As a mother herself, Hether has a passion for helping other moms create more balance in their lives. She strives to teach them how to love themselves while also loving others.
Hether enjoys group coaching and offers a 4 x a year program called Transform30. The program is for people who can dedicate 30 days to focusing on improving their complete health- body, mind and soul. Participants learn tips on getting better sleep, better digestion, decreased bloating, clearer skin and more lean muscle.
Beyond coaching, Hether is an expert at finding and developing recipes that are mostly plant based. She is a sought after health expert that has given an inspiring TedX talk, which you can watch below. Also check out her interview with Behind Nashville, where she talks more about her personal journey from eating fast food and feeling stale to eating plant-based foods and feeling invigorated.
photos courtesy of MD Black
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